Here Are 4 Reasons Why We Think Creative Writing Is So Powerful

From short stories and screenplays to poetry collections and non-fiction books, creative writing covers a huge variety of writing styles. But what’s so great about it? What are some of the benefits of creative writing?

Four Reasons Why Creative Writing is So Powerful

  1. Creative And Fun

At the heart of creative writing, is a sense of fun and imagination. Although having professional ambitions to be published is an amazing thing, it can be easy to get lost in the stress of our professional goals sometimes. That’s why it’s also important to remember why we enjoy creative writing in the first place, and that creativity and fun are at the centre of it.

From writing down a funny holiday story so we don’t forget it, to creating a short story set on a different planet with aliens, creative writing gives us the opportunity to not only explore and discover our own personal writing voice, but also to simply have fun and let our creativity run wild. Sometimes, particularly when life can be so busy, that sense of freedom and fun can be just what we need.

2. Creative Writing Offers Us A Sense Of Freedom

From poetry collections to life stories, there is so much for us to explore within creative writing. Of course, we can choose to specialise in a particular area of creative writing, but there are no set rules which say we can only write in a certain style either.

By embracing creative play and experimentation, we can embark on our personal creative writing journey, discover who we are as writers and test out our ideas. We can discover a favourite style, try new things and enjoy exploring creative writing in all its forms.

3. It Can Be Therapeutic

For some people, creative writing can be amazingly therapeutic. The freedom to unload any thoughts and feelings we might be having on the page can feel like we’re lifting a weight off our minds. It can be a great form of decluttering and release as we transfer our ideas and thoughts from our minds to the page, allowing us to visualise them.

By moving our thoughts from our minds to the page, we can often gain a new perspective on a feeling or experience. Whether it’s a piece of memoir or a character’s speech you’re drafting, creative writing can unlock fresh perspectives and points of view that can help us see new things.

4. Creative Writing Allows Us To Share Our Stories

Anyone can try creative writing and anyone can share their story. At Derbyshire Writing School, we believe that everyone has a story to tell, and part of the beauty of creative writing is that it allows us to share all of these wonderful stories. Whether it’s a fictional novel, a play or a piece of memoir, the world needs to hear your stories.

Creative writing provides us with an open space to share our tales, and there is so much power to this. For example, by reading someone’s story, we might learn a new lesson and discover something we can apply in our own lives. Or perhaps we’re given a chance to enter a new world and be taken on an adventure. You never know what might happen when you share your story.

What Do You Love About Creative Writing?

From a sense of therapeutic relief to pure fun and joy, there are a range of benefits to be found within creative writing.

How did you first discover creative writing? What’s your favourite thing about it? We’d love to hear your thoughts! Get in touch with us at


Lauren Davison

Lauren Davison is a Creative and Professional Writing student, currently studying at the University of Derby. She developed a passion for writing at a young age. She enjoys writing fiction and non-fiction.


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