
Learn & Grow

No matter where you are on your creative writing journey, we can help you build your knowledge and grow your creativity. Updated weekly, our blog will inspire and support you with tips & tricks and useful resources.

How To Embrace Getting Feedback On Your Writing
Creative Writing Lauren Davison Creative Writing Lauren Davison

How To Embrace Getting Feedback On Your Writing

Receiving feedback is a key part of honing our craft as writers.

However, it can often feel daunting or overwhelming. Whether you're an experienced author or just starting out, it can take a lot of creative courage to share your work. However, learning how to effectively deal with feedback is a powerful tool for growth and improvement.

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Here Are 4 Reasons Why We Think Creative Writing Is So Powerful
Creative Writing, Writer's Mindset Lauren Davison Creative Writing, Writer's Mindset Lauren Davison

Here Are 4 Reasons Why We Think Creative Writing Is So Powerful

From short stories and screenplays to poetry collections and non-fiction books, creative writing covers a huge variety of writing styles.

But what’s so great about it? What are some of the benefits of creative writing? In this blog, we’ll explore four reasons we think creative writing is so powerful.

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