Episode 65 - Guest Interview – Lauren Davison - Could Writing Be Good For You?

Is writing good for you

We are back in the writers’ room and we have a guest in our hot seat this week with Staff Blogger, Lauren Davison.

We are back in the writers’ room and we have a guest in our hot seat this week! Lauren Davison, our staff blogger.

You can listen to Lauren’s previous episode: Should I Do A Creative Writing Degree Here.

Lauren Davison is a Creative Writing student, currently studying at the University of Derby, and she answers the big question–Could Writing Be Good For You?

Lauren developed a passion for writing at a young age. She enjoys writing both fiction and non-fiction, and exploring new genres through her degree.

Lauren has been a valued team member here at Derbyshire Writing School for quite a few months now. Lauren writes regular blog posts for our website and has lots of expert advice to share. You can read Lauren’s blog posts here. You can also find Lauren on twitter.

In this episode, we ask Lauren:

  • What have you been up to?

  • We’re talking about writing and wellbeing. Why are you interested in this topic?

  • Why is writing good for our wellbeing?

  • Is there anything you’ve uncovered in your research which has surprised you?

  • If our listener hasn’t ever written in this way before, do you have some examples or ideas they could try to write for wellbeing?

  • You’ve been one of our in-house bloggers for a long time now. What have you learnt about blogging and writing in the process?

We want to hear from you! info@derbyshirewritingschool.com

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Thanks for listening!


Episode 66 - Season 2 Finale!


Episode 64 - Do I Need An Author Platform?