Episode 17 - What Are The Benefits of Writing?

How Do I Read Like A Writer?

Episode 17 - Episode 17 - What Are The Benefits of Writing?

THE WRITERS’ ROOM - What Are The Benefits of Writing?

In the Writers’ Room this week, Pete and Laura chat about the joy they have found in writing, and the benefits it brings into their lives. They also tell a little about how their journey into writing started.

What are the benefits and joy you received from writing? Please write to info@derbyshirewritingschool.com and let us know.

Laura talks about the benefit of documenting her life through writing, you can find out more about this here.

OUR CURRENT PROJECT UPDATES - What writing projects are we working on & what’s happened this week?

Laura has sent her Wedding Planning Book to the proofreader. Pete feels relieved to have sent the draft of his travel memoir - Rose-buds in Kerela - to our editor Alex Davis.

LESSONS WE’VE LEARNED THIS WEEK - What have we learned about writing & publishing this week?

Both Pete and Laura chat about how sometimes just completing something to the very end of the project is a lesson.

Recommended Product of the Week - Audible

Laura and Pete have benefited from having an audiobook subscription with Audible.

Not tried ‘reading’ the latest books while out walking or doing a job around the house? Then try Audible for 30 days free by using our affiliate link - Audible - Derbyshire Writing School Not only will you have time to hear a book for free but by using our link, it helps support the work of Derbyshire Writing School. Thanks!

BOOKS WE ARE READING AND RECOMMEND - What books are we reading this week?

Pete has been listening to the Audiobook of Bird By Bird by Anne Lamott and a favourite for Laura as well. He also talks about the Storyville Documentary - Into the Storm: Surfing to Survive.

Laura has been reading - Carry on, Warrior by Glennon Doyle. Two quotes she found inspiring are:

“If you feel something calling you to dance or write or paint or sing, please refuse to worry about whether you’re good enough. Just do it. Be generous.”

“The only meaningful thing we can offer one another is love. Not advice, not questions about our choices, not suggestions for the future, just love.”

WHAT’S HAPPENING AT DERBYSHIRE WRITING SCHOOL THIS WEEK? - How are we building the business this week?

Laura tells us about the launch of Poetry for Fiction Writers Workshop and Poetry for Beginners Workshop.

Charlotte Lunn, Derbyshire based poet, workshop facilitator and bookseller leads these sessions. To find out more about Charlotte and how to get started with poetry, listen to her interview on the Derbyshire Writing School podcast.

PERSONAL UPDATES - What’s going on in our lives?


Pippa the office dog makes a special visit, showing off her new podcast headphones and her posh haircut.

Send us a voice message - through Speakpipe.



Episode 18 - Guest Interview - John Woodhouse - What Is Ghostwriting?


Episode 16 - Hot Seat Interview - Lauren Davison - Should I do a creative writing degree?